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Helpful Website Links


General Websites:


www.loveandlogic.com     Love and Logic parenting and educator resources


www.aap.org   The American Academy of Pediatrics


www.lehman.cuny.edu/faculty/jfleitas/bandaides  The Band-Aids and Blackboards website is for teachers and families of children with medical issues. Features articles, stories, etc.


www.bravekids.org This website includes thousands of resource references including disease- specific links. Be sure to visit this one.


www.caringbridge.com Caring Bridge offers free websites so that families and friends can easily communicate information about a child’s medical condition. 


www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/  The National Center for Infectious Diseases is a great, unbiased resource for many diseases.


http://www.education.com  Filled with many excellent research based articles and resources for families.

www.fda.gov/cder/drug/ The US Food and Drug Administration provides excellent information about prescription drugs.


www.nlm.nih.gov/   National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Library of Medicine is also another great, unbiased resource for diseases including genetic and non-infectious diseases.


www.quotationspage.com Resource for some of the quotations we used in the book.



Websites for Specific Medical Conditions:


Aids:  www.pedaids.org Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation


Allergies and Asthma:  www.aafa.org and www.aaaai.org 


Cancer: www.cancer.org The American Cancer Society


Cerebral Palsy: www.ucp.org United Cerebral Palsy


Cystic Fibrosis: www.cff.org, www.cfri.org and www.esiason.org


Diabetes: www.jdrf.org Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

   www.diabetes.org American Diabetes Association


Disabilities: www.easterseals.com Helping People with Disabilities


Down Syndrome:  www.ndss.org National Down Syndrome Society


Dwarfism: www.lpaonline.org  Little People of America


Eating Disorders: www.edap.org National Eating Disorders Association


Epilepsy: www.epilepsyfoundation.org Epilepsy Foundation


Hemophilia: www.hemophilia.org  National Hemophilia Foundation


Leukemia: www.leukemia.org The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society


Muscular Dystrophy Association: www.mdausa.org


Obesity: www.obesity.org American Obesity Association


Premature Births, Birth Defects and Low Birth-weight www.marchofdimes.com 


Sickle Cell Anemia: www.ascaa.org American Sickle Cell Anemia Association


Skin Diseases: www.aad.org American Academy of Dermatology






Disclaimer: The website information provided here is simply as a courtesy and may change without notice. We have not screened these references based on any standards of finances, morality, religion, politics, etc. We are making no assertions or recommendations of the quality of these organizations.  In fact, just because we have listed a company doesn’t mean we endorse them and vice-versa.  If you are considering donations, please be sure to do your own research. The Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Guide is a great place to start at www.give.org.